Time in Macedonia

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freaky?, niarf, and Mustafa
2003-07-11 � 7:22 p.m.

i got this email with SENDER: [email protected] SUBJECT: Tbone2727! The FRE.AKlEst show on Earth!

i saw a vanity licence plate that said "NIARF." this gives me hope that pinky and the brain will continue to live on in people's hearts and minds forever! chaos is also a noise that pinky made(see the very first entry). chaos!

Mameco is full of "unique" people. there is this guy named Mustafa (i know, just like the lion king) who is a large African American in his mid-thirties who only listens to R&B and soul music.

ok so today Mustafa told me that listening to just intrumental music will mess up my head in a bad way. this must be true because he saw a special on pbs. music with lyrics, however, is just fine.

also Mustafa says there is something wrong with me because i like to work in silence, he says that it is not natural. i feel like Mustafa and Kierkegaard would not be the best of friends, as Kierkegaard discusses in detail about how concentrating on things, especially in communicating with God, is most appropriotly done in silence, with out distractions, i tend to agree.

oh and i Mustafa says i need to start drinking and "turning my life around" and make some "important decisions" because i can not possibly have a good life or any fun ever with out abusing some sort of substance. the substance alcohol will be legal for me soon so that is the best substance choice.

help. let us pray about this all the time.


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