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Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 2
2003-07-30 � 3:27 p.m.

Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 2

July 24, 2003

12:30 am - we arrive at Grandma Munn�s house but there is no grandma. the house is all locked up. the search is on!

12:45 am - we find grandma at nathan�s (her BF across the street) house asleep.

12:50 am - we get inside finally.

1:10 am - the room kt and I are in is right next to the bathroom. It sounds as if scott just fell off the toilet into the wall.

12:42 pm - we are off to the beach but scott stays home to do accounting.

6:53 pm - �man, if that waiter had brought me string beans with no meat I would have slapped that person right up side the head with them!�-nathan

7:38 pm - scott and i discuss how it is good katie has not told everyone she is a vegetarian.

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