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Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 4
2003-08-02 � 3:23 p.m.

Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 4

July 26, 2003

12:11 am � �it sounds to me that scott is constantly peeing� � kt. I will agree with kt on this one. Oh the joys of being next to the bathroom.

11:09 am � �at least I am not wearing a thong� � mom

2:30 pm � �these are slippery buggars!� � mom

3:07 pm � I am wathcing Aladdin the animated series on Toon Disney. Genie just called Aladdin a muggle. This is a show from the early 90s, before JK Rowling. So I am going to assume that while she popularized the word meaning non magical person, it existed before Harry Potter.

7:25 pm � �man, I ain�t gonna eat any of that damn ying yang young yong!!!� - nathan in reference to the baked flounder with crab filing seasoned with sage, rosemary and time.

7:52 pm � �thank you Lord Jesus. See I told you he was lookin out for me� � nathan when the flounder was all gone.

9:27 pm � we get a tour of nathan�s house. It is actually quite beautiful. However, my favorite part is the blue astro-turf carpeting the front porch and steps.

10:58 pm � we are all disappointed to find that Britney Spears and J-Lo are in the top ten 200 pop culture icons. We are more disappointed to find Oprah is #1. I have nothing nice to say so I wont say anything at all.

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