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Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 5
2003-08-02 � 3:45 p.m.

Log Grandma Tour 2003 Part 5

July 27, 2003

8:35 am � dad looks very confused and says �what�s that noise?� when the grandma�s phone rings

9:45 am � we leave for home

9:47 am � �I think we�ve got a bio-hazard!�- scott

10:06 am � �I have a bladder like a camel!� � kt

11:37 am � we just passed Jones Sausage Road

1:01 pm � �I don�t know why I took off my seatbelt when I was trying to put on my shoes� � katie

1:38 pm � �the world is your stage. Light it!�- dad

1:43 pm - �oh man, I hate that mountain!�- scott �yeah it is so ugly!�- dad �what makes a mountain so ugly?�- mom �it looks like a PIMPLE!� � dad and scott in unison. The best part is that they weren�t kidding. It really does look ugly like a pimple.

1:45 pm � �yeah and then that little pomeranian would come and eat your eyes� � me

1:47 pm � �and it�s shiney!� � mom in reference to the new atlas

2:44 pm � �we keep passing and unpassing them� � me

5:46 pm � �jamming all the garbage in my pants for pete sakes!� � dad

6:35 pm � �I could either poop or not poop. I choose to poop.� � scott after a now 8 minute conversation about poop. Carol is appauled. Scott poops 3 times a day. I am amazed by this and asked �what do you poop out?� scotts response �poop.� Apparently mom is very regular but she has �no comment�


7:00 pm � unfortunately we have found the rain. The beautiful time we were making is stunted by this terential down pour.

8:00 pm � ralph, my dad, kept it real and we arrive home only 10 minutes off schedule.

Thus concludes the log of the Grandma Tour 2003. This is Captain Jessica signing off.

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