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the party is groovin
2004-01-31 � 9:58 a.m.

Memorable quotes from The Party (1968) starring Peter Sellers as Hrundi V. Bakshi.:

Hrundi V. Bakshi: You know, we have a saying in India...

Michelle Monet: Yes?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Yes.

Michelle Monet: Well?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Well what?

Michelle Monet: You were saying something about a saying?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Yes.

Michelle Monet: Well what is it?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Wisdom is the province of the aged, but the heart of a child is pure.

then there is some cute dialog then he says this:

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Do you want to hear another one of my sayings?

Michelle Monet: Yes?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: This is a particularly good on becuase it will help you to always remember all the days in a month. It goes something like this: thirty days past September, October June and February all the rest have 29 except my brother, got six months.

later there is this:

C. S. Divot: You mashuga!

Hrundi V. Bakshi: I am not your sugar.



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