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LOG: Spring Break 2004 Day 1
2004-03-19 � 11:47 p.m.

Log: Spring Break March 2004

Recorded by: Capt. Jessica and Lt. Katie in Eastern Standard Time

The Crew: Cat, Steve Ly, Eliza, Bryony, Jen, Oliver, and Tim

Day 1: Friday 19 March 2004

1912- Jessica enters the Hudson Acme, uses the ATM, and leaves without being attacked by some long lost friend. Richard Schmee (sp?) gives a look of recognition.

1915- Jessica enters the Hudson Panera, orders and receives food, and leaves without being attacked by some long lost friend. Richard Schmee (sp?) is, however, creepily wondering around the Acme Plaza parking lot.

2000- The world television premiere of the Disney Channel�s latest original movie �Going to the Mat.�

2043- Zenon Z3 is coming to the Disney Channel this summer. I can�t even wait.

2147- �Going to the Mat� was quality. It will reside in my top of the top. Also, Andrew Lawrence has hit puberty and become quality like his brothers.

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