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LOG: Spring Break 2004 Day 9: Finally Finished
2004-03-27 � 10:52 p.m.

Day 9: Saturday 27 March 20004

0026- They should NOT be allowed to serve alcohol on planes.

0037- Dear American West Airlines, I greatly dislike you for putting me on this alternate flight with no window seat and lots of drunk people that keep needing to use the bathroom b/c now I am on the isle in the last row by the toilet. Love, Capt. Jessica P.S. � My Bag better f-ing make it to Cleveland airport or I will do something drastic.

0045- Perpetually drunken people should not be allowed to have cameras or vocal chords for that matter. Oh and the flight attendant reminds me of Karen from Will and Grace.

0100- I arrive at Las Vegas Airport. It has an uncomfortable atmosphere and slot machines everywhere you go, sometimes in the restroom. It is pretty sick.

0135- The people sitting near me keep talking about the 300 lb. cross dresser they saw wearing a sparkly butterfly shirt and how �he did not make a good chick.� They have brought it up about 5 times in a half-hour.

0140- I feel the fashion �no-no� of black shoes with white socks also applies to white shoes and black socks.

0215- Our pilot is a bit too enthusiastic about going to Cleveland. I hope he�s not drunk.

0600- I surprisingly slept for the last 3 hours.

0607- We are circling Cleveland Airport b/c there is no visibility aka pea soup fog. They will bring us to Detroit soon. I will start praying now.

0630- We land!!!!! Shout for joy, to the Lord, all the Earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs. (psalm 100:1-2)

0645- My suitcase is the first one out of the baggage claim.

0647- Mom is outside to pick me up. She had been circling for 40 minutes too.

0720- We arrive home to Hudson, Ohio. This is Capt. Jessica signing off.

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