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LOG: Spring Break 2004 Day 5: With Dan We Can
2004-03-23 � 8:58 p.m.

Day 5: Tuesday 23 March 2004

0910- We borrow a car from Dan, the nicest man in the world, to drive two hours back to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to rent a car.

0954- Jess-�why did you scratch me?�

Katie-�well maybe you shouldn�t touch my face. I might have nails.�

1425- Katie made the phones kiss.

Ok so here is what happened today, it was very fast so no minute by minute log could be kept along with my sanity. We got to Sioux City and we figured out, not that our buts hurt, but that renting a car to Rapid City and then flying to Seattle is cheaper than just driving to Seattle.

So we are going to fly. Oh and we briefly thought that Dan�s van was broken too but really it was just out of gas. We successfully returned the van and are now on our way to Rapid City.

We have successfully cancelled all Montana hotels and re-booked the Rapid City Quality Inn aka Breakfast Buffet!

1503- katie was upset when I changed the radio station while experimenting and said �hey you interupted my program!� everyone was shocked b/c nobody has said this since 1942. Then katie f-ing broke the radio b/c she was too impatient to let Jess figure it out. Then Katie said �that will teach you to interrupt my program.� Katie would also like me to add that her �program� was a show on NPR about the so-called �gray album.�

1650- We arrive at Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota.

1720- We depart from wall drug

1723- �Stop standing there looking like a big depression.� � Katie to Jessica

1729- �see this doesn�t even look good. It looks like diarrhea.� � Katie in reference to her coke and OJ mixture.

1752- Some guy on the radio said �tiny legs and tiny arms� not referring to babies.

1800- The Quality Inn is in fact quality. However, the hot breakfast buffet is only from 0630 to 0930 and our flight is at 0650 so we loose big time.

1820- We find a place that might have a hard cello case in stock.

1850- We loose again, they only have a � size hard case. The salesmen were really nice though and didn�t try to scam us or sell us soft cases. They just told us they were open until 2100 and to think about it.

1851- We decide that if Jesus was state, He would be South Dakota.

1930- We go to Red Lobster for dinner. We were seated right away. The hostess made small talk that went something like this: �I think it is supposed to rain today. Today we put down all of our fertilizer and we need to rain to pound it down into the ground. But it didn�t come, so we tried sprinklers but it just blew everywhere and it was a big mess. Today wasn�t a good day. We should have waited. Oh well, your server will be with you shortly.� Yeah, amazing.

2027- there is a tornado shelter in the Rushmore Mall for future reference.

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