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LOG: Spring Break 2004 Day 6: the Sisters are Safe!
2004-03-24 � 11:59 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: since the log is kept in Eastern Standard Time this dialog appears to be very late and it seems as if the Breakfast buffet might be possible, however in Rapid City, South Dakota, they are on Mountain time so it is really 2200 not 0000.

Day 6: Wednesday 24 March 2004

0035- Katie is having a mental breakdown b/c I just informed her that the rental car location might not be located at the airport. Apparently, Katie was not paying attention at the rental car place. Good thing Jessica brought it up, so we figured out where it actually was and got the airport shuttle to pick us up.

0050- Katie is still very perturbed so I do my best to be silly and get her in a better mood where she is not so mad at me. So I pretend to be that pink blob that dances online and says �hello, I don�t have any arms or legs but I like to dance, would you like to see me dance?� Katie finally cracks a smile and laughs and says �oh quadriplegics always put me in a better mood.�

0106- �I can fit your purpose driven a** in my backpack� � Katie offering to pack my book, Rich Warren�s Purpose Driven Life.

0108- Katie wants everyone to know that her next book will be �my purpose driven a**� she thinks this is hysterical and is rolling and choking on Doritos, as well as crying from the laughter.

0733- Due to Katie�s rushing me around for no reason, we are early to be picked up by the airport shuttle.

0753- We arrive at the airport and of course here in Rapid City they don�t have the electric x-ray bag scanner so they open and search our whole bags by hand.

0812- We are also lucky enough to have the extra security search so we are scanned from head to foot with mental detectors.

0850- The cello was successfully gate checked and safe as we take off right on time.

0950- We arrive at the Denver, Colorado Airport.

1110- We are not quite as lucky on this normal size aircraft, and they force us to sign a release and put the cello in the normal cargo bay. We start praying and try accepting the cello will probably be broken.

1530- We are now in Seattle and the cello didn�t break. Praise the Lord. Bryony picked us up. Soon we will go eat lunch.

1640- Katie walks into a pay phone on the street. A bird almost flies into Bryony�s head.

1837- Katie gives me a tour of the �U-District� and shows me the Law School.

2348- After many hours of touring, grocery shopping, emailing and hanging out Katie makes me drink Bubble Tea. It is really weird but good, I think.

2359- We settle down to watch �About a Boy� with Jen and then off to bed.

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