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its raining flower petals
2004-04-20 � 10:37 p.m.

today it was pretty windy. this was great b/c as a result i was rained on by about a thousand flower petals.

this is yet another reason that God must be real.

this is what Emily Dickinson has to say about spring:

Part Two: Nature


BEFORE you thought of spring,

Except as a surmise,

You see, God bless his suddenness,

A fellow in the skies

Of independent hues,

A little weather-worn,

Inspiriting habiliments

Of indigo and brown.

With specimens of song,

As if for you to choose,

Discretion in the interval,

With gay delays he goes

To some superior tree

Without a single leaf,

And shouts for joy to nobody

But his seraphic self!

vocab for emily:

sur�mise 1) To infer (something) without sufficiently conclusive evidence. 2)To make a guess or conjecture.

ha�bil�i�ment 1) The special dress or garb associated with an occasion or office. Often used in the plural 2)Clothes. 3) Characteristic furnishings or equipment; trappings

ser�a�ph�ic 1) of or relating to an angel of the first order 2) having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub

i love spring. praise the Lord, Almighty for the spring.


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