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studying fun
2004-11-21 � 2:33 p.m.

i have been studying for finals at donkey coffee and expresso.

here are some of the funniest moments of the last night.

20 Nov 04

18:27 - after a fist fight, i acquire a table to sit at and study physics

18:29 - i realize my fight for this table was in vein because the person i have had a crush on for 2.5 years but does not know i am alive is sitting across the room from this table and i am forced to see them everytime i look up.
yes, this person falls into the category, and therefore is not good for a studying atmosphere.

19:25 - this lady comes in sits down and picks up a little stuffed reindeer and proceeds to talk into it like it is a cell phone.

19:45 the lady has been talking on the reindeer for 20 minutes now.

19:48 the lady leaves, still talking on the reindeer.

20:54 a guy comes into the room carrying a dog dish. he circles the room 4 times looking at each person then chooses the only empty armchair. he carefully places the dog dish on the table. then he picks up the lamp from the table and inspects it thuroughly.

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