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fam united, car broken, life center
2004-12-08 � 11:14 p.m.

hey kids,

some of you may recall an entry entitled �walk on� from July.
Good news � the fam has united again.
Better news � the fam is united so we can ALL celebrate the birth of the first child of the children of the fam TOGETHER

Fam the Next Generation

You can hear the TNG theme music, I know you can.

So in a nutshell, GOD ROCKS. A WHOLE WHOLE LOT!!!

My car is broken so I have to wait on my dad to take me to work and pick me up. This makes for 10-12 hr days. Long. But they did give me a raise and I get time and a half for over time, so maybe I will be able to buy some food next quarter.

so I have joined Life Center Plus, the local gym/recreation facility.
The facilities are nice. Their website is pathetic. Check it out at

Running indoors is nice. Less coughing, coughing up blood, etc

Running into 1.2 billion people you really don�t want to see is not nice.

It is even worse than Acme or Panera for likely uncomfortable (possibly unpleasant) situations.

There is old classmates, teachers, friend�s parents, enemies etc.

And it is worse than Acme or Panera too b/c everyone is sweaty and some people are wearing ill fitting, non-aesthetically pleasing ensembles.

So BEWARE the terrors that await at Life Center Plus.


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