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let's leave today
2005-01-20 � 10:20 p.m.

i would really like to just take like 2 weeks and go down to disney world. it would be really great if a small group of friends went as well.

assuming i had a whole lot of money, we could fly down, have a limo pick us up and drop us off at what ever disney hotel we decide to stay at. Then just spend like 2 days at the magic kingdom, 2 days at mgm studios, 3 days at epcot (b/c there is so much to do), check out the water park deal for a day, check out animal kingdom for a day or two.

we could do everything, you know, the tea parties, the character meals, the fireworks, the shows, the trees, the parades. we could eat sushi, tacos, wiesworst, icecream, steak, frog legs etc. we could have a picnic with ch-ch-ch-chip and dale the rescue rangers, we could see the world of tomorrow. we could imagineer that! with tom morrow 2.0.

then for the second week, we could hop on a disney cruise line and experience disney fun in the sun, visiting tropical beaches and lying on the lido deck getting skin cancer and drinking diet mountain dew and reading what ever book/book series i/we want as many times as a want to.

i am not asking for a lot, just two weeks of luxury and paradise. no panicing, no rushing around, just some good clean fun, no baggage, no problems, where dreams come true.

i know it is a lie (the dreams come true part) but it sounds good to me.

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