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help, nobody knows
2005-05-10 � 11:04 p.m.

so there is a girl in my agro-ecosystems class that was shocked to find that i had various reasons for not wanting to shop at walmart.

she has never heard about any of their unfair employment practices, sweatshop labor, national and global monopoly that puts small businesses out of business everywhere. she was completely shocked to find out such things about the place she shops at frequently.

how do you get to be a junior in college and not be at least a little aware of walmart's evilness.

now the point of this entry is not to judge and i am not saying that is girl is stupid.

the point of this entry is that i am scared. very scared. even the small percentage of the global population that is educated is unaware of these major problems and injustices.

i will have to have faith that God is sovereign and that His will will be done. Hope is the only thing that keeps me going sometimes.


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