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let's do a better job of loving each other
2005-05-14 � 3:45 p.m.

so this is probably not the best way of approaching this lovingly. but i am really feeling convicted to bring it up. so to those it may concern, i understand if you would want to rebuke me about this if you think i am way out of line and that it is none of my business.

ok so i think it is pretty freaking shady to the tenth power squared if some people refuse to keep in contact with other people unless the other people also have an online diary. even when the non-blog person has made attempts to keep in touch in other ways.

the online diary is not for everybody. and even for the people that fall into the blogger category, you have to admit that while it is a nice, convienent, though un-personal way of communicating, it can be a huge pain in the butt sometimes. sometimes you may go for days or weeks with nothing to say at all. and think about it, when you do say stuff, is it really vital information or amazing or anything. it is just a bunch of ramblings, whether they are funny or serious or political or complaining.

and yes, with those people that i know, i find these ramblings can make my day or make me think about stuff or make me happy or sad and i love to read it. but it still does not adequately replace the good old phone call or email or conversation at a coffee shop.

and you have to admit sometimes it is hard to keep up with all of them. i have 17 blogs i would like to read but frankly i am lucky if i get to go read them 2 or 3 days a week. and i will admit that while i do feel disconnected, i also feel like it is not a big deal b/c of the 17 i read, i only have actual relationships with 5 and 4vof those are long distance most of the time. since the relationship behind the other 12 is or has fallen to the aquintance level, why should i worry about not getting to read all the time.

so i guess what i am saying is that the online diary does not replace an actual relationship. and that we should stop trying to pretend that they are a decent replacement. and that if non-bloggers are making attempts to communicate with us in other ways we should try to keep those relationships up too, because the non-bloggers have feelings too and they need fellowship as well, even if it is long distance by phone or emial or, my personal favorite, by post.


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