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Beauty vs. Jesus
2005-06-18 � 1:01 p.m.

Ok, so I have a dilemma.

My policy has mostly been that I am going to be ok with how God made me, and as long as I bathe, eat healthily and exercise that I will not try to mess with what I have been given.

Examples of this are how I do not dye my hair, get excessive piercing or tattoos, or wear make up (unless I am in a stage production and makeup will enable the audience to see me). [I also refuse to use or abuse and am angry about other peoples use or abuse of substances such as alcohol, smoking and drugs, but that is for another post about my hypocricy]

Examples of how I hypocritically violate this include how I shave my legs and arm pits. Grooming in general.

But now I have encountered a challenge.

Eye brows.

I think that unless measures are taken, I will soon be sporting the uni-brow.

Should I not compromise my principles and let the uni-brow grow in? Or since I am already hypocritical about body hair, should I just proceed with plucking or waxing? Do my self-imposed principles even have a justified basis? Are they pretentious? Yes I think they are pretentious. I think that I do not dye my hair or wear make up because I want to appear that I do not care about these things, that I am above caring about them, that I am comfortable with my appearance, that I am unashamed. It makes me feel proud. It makes me feel better than other people who give in to the world and its obsession with physical beauty. So really am I just doing to spite other people? Well I think it is at least part of why I do what I do. Even if it is just a little part, that is still pretty bad.

And then if I do decide to just go ahead and mow away my eyebrows, I have another dilemma. When I was little, my mom told me that if I start plucking my eyebrows I can never stop and it is really just not worth it. So far this has been my policy since it goes along with the post-Jesus Jessica policy. But I should decide to eliminate the uni-brow, I should probably pluck because I feel that getting my eyebrows waxed professionally is me not being a good steward of my money. But plucking wont look as nice as waxing, not guaranteed to be even and if I am going to give in to having aesthetically appealing eyebrows then I might as well not half-ass it.

So I am here to ask the blogging community to sign my guest book and tell me what you think and offer some advice/wisdom/Scripture that may help me with this. so holla back.


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