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pocky: the bread of life
2006-01-11 � 9:50 p.m.

As I read the Orson Scott Card's Children of the Mind for the 3rd time in my life, I think about how I could really go for some pocky mens about now, although i do kind of want to try the Creme Brule/Flan pocky.

what is pocky you ask? check it out

it turns out that there are many �what flavor pocky are you?� quizzes out there. Here are the best two

The first �what kind of pocky are you?� quiz I took says

what flavor pocky are you?

[c] sugardew

I say that could never happen. I love pocky, I could never be too cool for pocky, pocky is probably too cool for me

the other quiz results:

You Are Green Tea Pocky

Your attitude: natural and zen
Peaceful yet full of life. Deep and thoughtful.
You're halfway to tantric bliss!

sweet ass

although, green tea pocky kinda sounds like it might taste like ass, but I will try almost anything once.


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LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27