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so the poor have hope and injustice shuts its mouth
2006-01-22 � 11:49 a.m.

i NEVER thought i would see the day when i would even consider, let alone actually quote Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life.

But here we are. He said something that is worth quoting, which gives me more hope in the Lord.

"I found those 2,000 verses on the poor. How did I miss that? I went to Bible College, two seminaries, and I got a doctorate. How did I miss God's compassion for the poor? I was not seeing all the purposes of God. The church is the body of Christ. The hands and feet have been amputated and we're just a big mouth, known more for what we're against." - Rick Warren

God is changing the hearts of the leaders of American Christan culture.

and even though, in the end, even if only a handful of people follow through, recognizing the universal call to social justice, it is wonderful.


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