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2006-01-31 � 12:47 a.m.

In response to Steve's latest entry (goodprovider found in links below) I would like to set the record straight about saxophones.

Saxophones are wonderful instruments. When played properly, in the context of jazz and classical, the saxophone can make absolutely beautiful music. My father, for example, is an excellent saxophone player and him and those like him can create superb and brilliant music that can be enjoyed by everyone.

However, generally, I am not a fan of saxophone use in most non-jazz settings.

Sometimes it can be good like Tower of Power, Chicago, and The Blues Brothers, and some scores of Musicals.

But besides that, the sax solo can be pretty gross.

Also it is important to recognize that by jazz, I mean good music that swings. Ragtime, Dixieland, Big Band, Be-Bop etc. (maybe even bubble music, some of it does swing). I also find sax solos to be quite acceptable in Latin Jazz settings.

But not any of this �fusion� or �smooth jazz� crap that came from when jazz died in the 1980s (Kenny G�s soprano sax makes me want to hurl as well as anything they play on Cleveland�s 107.3 The Wave).

That shit is crazy bad and comes directly from Satan. For sure. No joke.

So now you know.

No enemies here Steve. I feel your pain.


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