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rollerskates and puppies
2006-02-05 � 9:33 p.m.

Since people have been keeping track lately:

Welcome to the 413th entry here at chaosmulan, broadcasting live since November 2001.

here is a brief synopsis of the weekend:

a)lead kids club about Beethoven and expression. for some unknown reason the kids were basically unresponsive, they did not even like fantasia
b)dessert party at my house hosted by Tori, who rocks. it was totally fun.
c) Southeast Engine at the Union, adam torres was bearable this time, hopefully he is like wine and will get better with time

a) attend 9th birtday party at Dow's Roller Rink in Nelsonville, Ohio. it was hilarious. I did not fall down or get injured. There was a disco ball.
b) saw the worst elementary school play of my life, The Jungle Book, at West Elementary School in Athens, Ohio
c) saw the best elementary school play of my life, 101 Dalmations, starring Amber and Ashley Braglin, at West Elementary School in Athens, Ohio

a)slept through my alarm and therefore both church services
b)frantically writing my midterm paper for African American Poetry
c)there is an insane person screaming at the top of their lungs about something outside of my apartment. maybe their team lost the superbowl or something. i say go seahawks.


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