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bastard judges
2006-02-12 � 5:38 p.m.

so remember how the new "scoring" system for figure skating still does not work?

for instance when Americans Rena Inoue and John Baldwin successfully completed the throw triple Axel along with a flawless performance, they came in 6th place.

remember how NONE of the the double couples in first through fifth place did this totally awesome move.

do you know what that move is, the throw triple Axel?

it is when the guy throws the girl into the air, then she does a triple axel and lands it flawlessly, as if she had jumped it herself.

but they came in 6th? b/c the judges "were not sure how to score it?"

here is a tip for these "unsure" olympic judges, from Jessica Meyer, Ohio, USA:

if somebody does something totally awesome that has never been done before, such as, oh i don't know, the throw triple Axel, give them a lot of points as opposed to giving them no points at all.

p.s. - are you all total morons?

p.p.s. - remember how the olmpics are about innovation, skill, and FAIR competition?

p.p.p.s. - remember how you totally ignored those factors

AND i would like to bring up, that i am not all pissed off b/c the Americans did not place well.

i would be just as mad if the Russians, Chinese, South Africans, Ebonians etc did something awesome and got totally shafted.

i am all about justice and fair play. fair is fair, regardless of nationality.

that did not happen last night.

suck city.

at least i got to see Love Actually on the big screen at the midnight movie. it never stops being good. ever. Thanks for that God.


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