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Log: Lubbock or Leave It! - 2
2006-03-17 � 11:41 p.m.

11:46 AM � I am at the Cleveland Airport at my terminal. My plane does not leave for another hour and twenty minutes. The people sitting behind me have befriended each other. It is an senior citizen aged Caucasian man and women couple and a middle aged African American woman. They are talking about this buffet that has good steak, but BETTER than the steak are the Bathrooms!
12:11 PM � quote from Lemony Snicket�s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the Eleventh, The Grim Grotto, pg. 20
�Hello!� Violet cried.
�Hello!� Klaus yelled.
�Shalom!� Sunny shrieked.
[Please note: that this is funny b/c Sunny is just a toddler]
12:23 PM � A man sat down next to me. He is gurgling loudly and burping every so often. If he throws up on me I am going to be mad.
12:24 PM � Gurgle man has ran away. Hopefully to take care of his problem in the bathroom
12:26 PM � Gurgle man has returned. He just farted loudly. It smells really bad. I am suffocating�
12:40 PM � Though I have skillfully packed all of my clothes into the tiniest rolling suitcase ever, I am still forced to valet my suitcase before getting on this tiny and pathetic excuse for an aircraft. Doesn�t anyone fly regular sized planes anymore? Two tiny columns of 2 seats and no room for even a first class section is ridiculous.

Central Standard Time

3:20 PM � I have finally arrived in Dallas. They claim my plane to Lubbock is on time. There are these 2 twin boys walking by, they must be about 5 or 6 years old. One has pushed the other one so hard he fell all the way to the ground. On his rush forward for retaliation, their father stops him and picks him up and moves him away. As a twin, I will say that this kind of injustice leads to years of therapy.
3:43 PM � Though this plane is even smaller than the last one (1 column of 1 seat, 1 column of 2 seats, still no first class), the airport personnel here in Dallas recognize that my rolling suitcase is very very small and allow me to bring it aboard. Praise Jesus!
3:48 PM � The flight attendant is an old lady and she is very mean. I don�t care how long you have been working lady, your job as a stewardess is to be nice and friendly, not a bitch.
4:02 PM � We were supposed to take off 7 minutes ago. To pass the time the pilot has chosen to play the same to really bad Enya songs on a loop. My brain is melting. This is so bad.
5:43 PM � I finally have made it to Lubbock, Texas. The lovely and talented Amy Leafgren had picked me up from the airport.
5:53 PM � I have arrived at the home of Rob and Meredith Ward. Let the fun begin.
6:22 PM � We are at Orlando�s Italian Eatery. Amy has been ordering for five minutes. Also the cups are unnecessarily large.
6:28 PM � We have already started talking about poop. One of the many reasons Rob, Meredith and Amy are so great.
7:24 PM � Meredith suggests that if a person in another car won�t stop starring at you, you should just start picking your nose.
7:28 PM � Amy: �This cinnamon mint is too spicy for me. I should have gone with the winter green�
Jessica: �I am enjoying the winter green mint very much�
Amy: �Want to trade?�
7:33 PM � We are at Amy�s house. She got snacks for us.
7:46 PM � We are back at the Ward�s house. We are doing a puzzle. Life does not get much better than this.

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