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Time in Hudson, OH

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Log: Lubbock or Leave It! - 1
2006-03-16 � 11:59 p.m.

Log: Lubbock or Leave It!

Eastern Standard Time

1:46 PM � Arrive at my parent�s house in Hudson, OH. Scott is home. Cool. And there is Diet Mountain Dew. Sweet nectar
2:58 PM � unexplainable explosive diarrhea. Sick.
3:10 PM � Receive call from the CVNPA.
3:13 PM � I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!
3:38 PM � Wash feet
3:57 PM � Depart for Marc�s in Stow, OH
4:21 PM � Leave Marc�s in Stow to go to Lucky Shoes to get my new orthotic inserts for my shoes.
5:33 PM � After being lost for about 45 minutes I finally arrived at Lucky Shoes to discover that there is a Marc�s right next door. So if I had just come to Lucky Shoes from Hudson, I could have also had fun for my money and saved at Marc�s and not gotten lost trying to get to Lucky Shoes from Stow. Boo.
7:31 PM � I am talking to KT on the phone. My mom just came and put me in a head lock and yelled toward the receiver to talk to Katie
7:35 PM � I am still talking to Katie and I notice that my fuzzy square jewelry box (you know the kind that earrings or a necklace comes in?) is molting its fuzz. How sad.
9:30 PM � I get to hang out with Katherine Mickley. Sweet Ass.

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Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
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