Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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Log: Lubbock or Leave It! - 6
2006-03-21 � 11:59 p.m.

2:44 PM � I am on another tiny little plane. They made me valet my bag again. Bastards! And more Enya too. This is sick.
4:14 PM � I am still trying to find terminal B, I have been walking across terminal A for a half hour now. I just past a 7 year old boy wearing uggs. UG!
5:45 PM � I have been at Dallas Fort Worth airport for 2 hours now. My plane does not leave until 7:47. My flight or gate is not yet listed on any of the screens. I have a few things to say about Texas: 1)need sewer systems badly so there are less flash floods and deaths 2)need smaller cracks in the bathroom stalls. At this point they are so large that the might as well left the door off all together. I have enough trouble using public bathrooms with out people being able to see me do my business. 3) the Dallas Fort Worth airport is gigantic and difficult to navigate. This is a bit ridiculous.
5:50 PM � There is a CNN story about illegal immigration. I encourage all to read the book American Dreaming and Enrique�s Journey. You will see why it happens and how it works.
7:20 PM � They moved my gate from B4 to B9A. Good think I found out b/c it just took me another half hour to find this gate.
7:35 PM � quote from Lemony Snicket�s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the Twelfth, The Penultimate Peril, pgs 16-17 �Some people think destiny is something you cannot escape, such as death, or a cheesecake that has curdled, both of which always turn up sooner or later.�
9:45 PM � I am on another tiny stupid plane. The old man next to me has finally gone to sleep after telling me his life story for an hour and a half. He keeps leaning toward me, forcing me to push my self as close to the window as possible.
11:27 PM � We have finally landed in Cleveland airport.
11:58 PM � I am back home in Hudson, at my parents house.

This is Captain Jessica, signing off.

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