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Log: Lubbock or Leave It! - 5
2006-03-20 � 10:08 p.m.

9:48 AM � Today is Monday, so Rob had to go back to school and Meredith had to go to work. So they left me one of their cars and told me to go to Breedlove Dehydration Plant. Rob called and asked and they said you should just show up and they would give you a tour anytime Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm. So I arrived at the Breedlove Dehydration Plant at 9:40 AM. I go inside. I explain why I am there 3 times to the secretary before she finally understands that I am visiting Lubbock, and I came to have a tour. She gives me a brochure. I read it and say thanks. She asks if I would like to look around. I say ok. She says I will have to wait for the other lady to come back. The other lady comes back and says she can not take me around because the lights are turned off in the back. The new lady says I could call and make an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I explain that I will be gone by then and I will just be going. The new lady asks me if I got a pamphlet. I hold it up and she says good and be sure to visit our website. I just swiftly walked back to the car. This is weird.
10:15 AM � I am thoroughly amused that I just passed 4 border patrol vehicles by the Buddy Holly Museum, 2 trucks and 2 vans. I would like to direct you to this map where you can see just how far away Lubbock is from the Texas-Mexico Border. The closest border is 265 miles away. This is rich.
10:47 AM � I just went and looked inside the Branding Iron Cowboy Outfitters. It was fantastic. They had everything, hats, boots, shirts, jeans, even belt buckles. I almost bought a hat.
11:58 PM - quote from Lemony Snicket�s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the Eleventh, The Grim Grotto, pg.56
�The phrase �for naught� is simply a fancy way of saying �for nothing� and it does not matter which phrase you use, for they are both equally difficult to admit.�
12:17 PM � I have picked up Meredith from work and we are meeting Rob at Cowamungus, the restaurant associated with the Texas Tech Meat Laboratory, where they study and dissect cows.
1:35 PM � quote from Lemony Snicket�s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the Eleventh, The Grim Grotto, pg. 63
�The expression �fits like a glove� is an odd one, because there are many different types of gloves and only a few of them are going to fit the situation you are in.�
2:32 PM � quote from Lemony Snicket�s A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the Eleventh, The Grim Grotto, pg. 134
�You might think that climbing a mountain is half the battle, only to find out that the mountain goats who live at the top of the mountain are vicious, and heavily armed.�
10:45 PM � Rob: �Look at our dumb light�
Jessica: �Why is it dumb?�
Meredith: �It�s just dumb.� pointing to their bedroom light that is a dim, purple-ish color.

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