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LOG: The Radical Rally #1
2006-04-29 � 11:40 p.m.

LOG: The Radical Rally to Stop Genocide

29 April 2006

9:10 am � Chris calls to say we are going to leave around 11am

10:00 am � Zucchini for breakfast

10:20 am �Talya calls about snacks for the trip. I vote for cheez-its

10:55 am � Chris calls and asks me about how I feel about hotel prices. This is a bit of a surprise because I thought we already had a hotel reservation.

12:06 pm � Chris and Talya come to pick me up

12:30 pm � Chris is already threatening us with flatulence

12:47 pm � we pass into West Virginia. This involves a pounding on the roof ritual I am un-familiar with. It is fun though.

1:10 pm � Nutters Fork Rd.

1:11 pm � Bucky Run Rd.

1:36 pm � Aime�s PT Cruiser zooms past us with one of the largest hood ornaments I have ever seen, about a foot long with a round head and some sort of weird wings.

1:55 pm � �everybody knows it is a spy station, but they can�t stop the spying so the spies are like �nah nah nah�� � Chris

2:10 pm � another potential spy station is noticed

2:13 pm � �if I was at the gyno, I wouldn�t want to talk while he was looking at my cooter�I mean if I was a girl� � Chris

2:14 pm � I forget whatever I had to say, but it was really important. Oh I remember. It�s not that important� � Chris

2:26 pm � sign says �Racer � We Race!�

2:50 pm � sound effect hour. Conversation following sound effects hour:
Chris � Did you just fart?
Talya � in my mouth
Chris � sick

2:55 pm � Chris � I thing it was like a logging road
Jess � I think it is for the power lines
Chris � You�re power lines!

3:11 pm � we enter into Maryland, more pounding. We are listening to The Horse and His Boy

3:13 pm � Friendsville

3:19 pm � Pigs Ear Road

3:24 pm � We just passed Negro Mountain. This can�t be PC.

3:52 pm � �look at the cannon! KAPOW!� � Chris

3:59 pm � we have stopped at McDonalds to ask for directions to Chick Filet here in Historic Cumberland, Maryland.

4:07 pm � �shit. Shitters. Poop machine.� � Chris

5:02 pm � Chris�s farting begins, windows open.

5:40 pm � we enter into Virginia, more pounding.

5:57 pm � random Asian man in formal wear on the side of the highway.

6:36 pm � we have arrived at our hotel

7:55 pm � after a nice rest and watching the second half of Wayne�s World, we are off for an adventure

8:36 pm � the license plate in front of us says �SPAAKL� with the phrase �I�m animal friendly� and a picture of a cat and dog.

9:28 pm � we have gone to Best Buy and Barnes and Noble. I really want to buy this book, Self-made Man by Nora Vincent, but it is 25 bucks I just don�t have.

9:38 pm � naked Asian man in the hallway of our hotel. Also all of the rooms are non-smoking on this floor and there are signs everywhere, yet it smells like someone has been chain-smoking in the hallway for like a week. Weird.

9:44 pm � we want to check out the pool but it closes at 10pm. Boo.

10:00 pm � we watch some terrible TV movie about Flight 93. I think it is kind of disrespectful to the victims and their families to have such a poorly done film. I hope the film that just came out in the theaters is better.

11:38 pm � BED.

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