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outed and kissed
2006-05-21 � 12:59 a.m.

ok so here is what happened today:

i wrote my paper a lot

i studied for chemistry a lot

i cooked a perfect piece of chicken

i went to Union Street with my roomate Tori and her fiance Brandon and drank some cherry cool aid at like 11:45pm

while we were driving home from Union Street, we saw some friends of Tori's that i also am aquanted with and they needed a ride, it is about 12:30am

so i let 3 more people squish in to my tiny accent's backseat with Tori, one of them is lying across the other 3. they are a little bit drunk.

once everyone is settled in, we wait at the stop light b/c it has turned red agian and a police car pulls up behind me.

i encourage the people in my back seat not to move too much and for the lying down gay guy not to get up or anything as we drive down union and turn onto court, so we don't all get arrested by the fuzz.

we lost the cops by the washington intersection and i continue to drive them to shafer st.

there is a lot of crazy conversations going on. then drunk gay guy lying on everyone pretty much tells us that this other kid in the car is gay. this is pretty big news. this kid was just "outed" in my car.

we arrive at the house they are going to and the drunk gay guy lying on everyone kisses me on the lips before exiting.

this is crazy. and it all happend in like 7 minutes.


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