Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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update from seattle
2006-07-17 � 7:10 p.m.


i have been

organizing my room
reading Ender's Shadow Series
writing mangoes in the snow

i am currently in seattle.

here are some highlights from the trip here

5:04 am - arrive at gate in Akron-Canton Airport
5:33 am - my terminal board does not have the correct flight information, infact it has a different flight number and different take off time, for 8:20am instead of 6:00am, this will make me really sad i woke up at 4:15am if i am not taking off until 8:20am, and also i will miss my connection in atlanta to seattle.
5:38 am - the flight info has changed to be correct, we are okok
8:27 am - i have been at the airport in atlanta for about an hour now and i have heard the Bette Midler song "Wind Beneath My Wings" 3 times. this is getting serious.
8:38 am - This lady is sitting with her son who is probably around 11 to 13 years old and she is talking to him like he is 3 years old. She talks very loud and excitedly but his responses are so quiet that even though they are sitting next to me i can not hear what he is saying, but she must hear him because she seems to respond to his comments. Some of my favorite moments include how she keeps asking him if he wants to go play in the childrens playpen/jungle gym/ball room thing like they have in burger king but it is in the airport instead. I am pretty sure she is serious in her suggestions, pretty scary. Also she said "Is there anything you want me to do for you while you are in alaska? Feed your KITTY? YES I WILL FEED YOUR KITTY!"
2:38 pm EST / 11:38 am PST - Arrive in Seattle, WA
12:03 pm - two boys wearing tie-dyed shirts and red shorts are battling eachother with their red rolling suitcases.
12:12 pm - Katie and Michele pick me up.


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