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LOG: Summer Road Trip 2006: Arctic Shatter Day 3(b)
2006-07-29 � 11:38 p.m.

29 July 2006 Part 2

5:37 pm � Machel�s car might be breaking down, KT gives a rousing and motivational speech
5:41 pm � �I think I just found some sand in my mouth� � JessM
5:42 pm � �I am willing the car forward with my heart� � KT
5:44 pm � �Two bars is enough if you�ve got Arctic Shatter�
5:47 pm � We have made it the six miles to the rest area, the car is sort of broken
6:12 pm � �I�m just so glad that we broke down in the least populous state� � KT
6:23 pm � Machel claims that Captain Jessica has abandoned her log. This is all lies.
6:59 pm � Myla broke Machel�s toe
7:20 pm � �Eww, Myla your skin is showing� � Machel
7:26 pm � The tow truck arrives, hooray for AAA
7:36 pm � �Laramie rhymes with Jeremy, do ya dare me, to say Laramie?� � Machel in a weird accent
7:37 pm � �I don�t know who made me Polly Positive today, but it is going well� � Machel as her car gets pulled up onto the tow truck
8:01 pm � Little America #2 has a sign that reads �A Putt Above�
8:09 pm � I am currently riding in the tow tuck cabin with Machel while KT and Myla are in the car on the back of the tow truck. My favorite parts about this cabin include how it is so loud you can�t really hear anything and you have to shout to talk and the calendar hanging from the ceiling is still on May
8:36 pm � Machel has checked us into a shady Ramada Inn in Laramie, WY
8:45 pm � �Leash burn! Leash burn!� screams KT as Myla jumps out of the car while her leash was still was still wrapped around KT
9:32 pm � We are at Applebee�s and our waitress, Kari, likes Machel�s wallet, so Machel responds that she got it at Target and Kari responds �Oh Target is like the BEST store in the world! I wish we had one in Laramie sooooooo bad!�
9:49 pm � �My alltel account is just a junk mail fodder site now� � KT
10:01 pm � �And I�ll be a really good cheerleader!� � JessM
10:34 pm � �Oh car you are so healthy, wealthy and wise� � Machel
10:35 pm � �Do you think that dogs can break their tongues?� � Machel
10:36 pm � �I meant bite� � Machel
10:37 pm � �I�m glad we�re in a place where police aren�t looking for people who can�t drive� � Machel
10:42 pm � As we pull into our parking spot we see an ugly cat in the window in front of us and Machel in hysterics says �make sure you write down about the cat!�
10:55 pm � �Hey this is a log, not a toy!� - JessM

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