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LOG: Summer Road Trip 2006: Arctic Shatter Day 8
2006-08-03 � 11:32 p.m.

3 August 2006

9:41 am � �Or it�s like, what�s wrong with my head? Sometimes it thinks funny thoughts.� � KT
9:47 am � �I keep many conversations going in my head at once.� � KT
9:48 am � �KT, what have I told you about public nudity and laziness?!� � Machel
9:56 am � Mr. and Mrs. Hair Weave store
10:17 am � Love Cathedral Revival Church is a big tent in a parking lot.
10:33 am � Chiapetti�the finest lamb and veal
11:01 am � �It�s just that she was looking outside the window with such wonder, that I wanted to say her name with such wonder, too.� � KT
11:23 am � �It�s like a Christmas candle.� � Machel, describing my Vanilla Chai here at Argo Tea.
12:05 pm � �Do you think I�ll get a subscription to the Chicago Tribune? �.what the hell kind of word is tribune, anyway?� � Machel
12:15 pm � �Sunchips are the best chips because they�re made on the sun.� � Chris
12:16 pm � �Watch out for the gamma rays!� � Chris
12:32 pm � �I�m glad they don�t call it horsy sauce like at Arby�s.� � JessM
12:33 pm � �There are a lot of dog parks here. Well, I only know of one. It�s called �Wiggly Field�.� � Chris
12:36 pm � �There was some men�s underwear on the rocks by the lake. One pair of boxers and one pair of briefs. And some shirts.� � Machel
12:38 pm � �How come you all can find snacks that like?� � KT, in a whiny voice
12:40 pm � Elvis Catsley
George W. Cat
Arnold Catsenegger
Lt. Comm. Woof
Major Catra
�Miles O�Brien. That would be a good name for anybody.� � Chris
Captain Jean Luc Picat
12:47 pm � Machel: Eww, God�s spitting on us!
Chris: He�s gleeking!
1:06 pm � We depart for Columbus
1:45 pm � KT: I�m glad I�ve always disliked hairspray
Machel: It�s always made me feel better about you as a person
1:46 pm � KT: I�m feeling Myla�s armpit skin. It�s nice
Machel: Yeah, it�s nice
2:13 pm � �I covered Myla�s privates with the map. I didn�t want to look at them� � KT
2:26 pm � KT is singing Christmas carols of joy
2:29 pm � �I�m ready for the snowstorm� � KT
2:30 pm � Indiana does not welcome us
2:56 pm � Cholie�s Pizza sounds shady
3:26 pm � �Myla, stop sniffin� my donuts� � KT
3:32 pm � �Look at those human sized pieces of cardboard� - Machel
3:40 pm � KT: At least now she�s drooling on her own fur
Machel: I don�t know why she�s drooling so much
KT: It�s because she got depressed and started drooling
4:10 pm � sign: We double-dairy you.
5:31 pm � Eastern Standard Time!
6:05 pm � Little Potato Creek
6:10 pm � KT attacked me and yelled �Sweet meat!�
6:16 pm �
6:20 pm � billboard: �Ball State is cutting edge cool!�
6:22 pm � Indiana wins the worst billboards award.
6:34 pm � We�re driving on the Kenneth �Babyface� Edmonds highway
6:49 pm � Are you there, God? It�s me, Malchus.� �Machel
6:56 pm � Tom Raper�s RVs
�If your last name is raper, you should name RV store Pleasant Valley, or something.� �Machel
7:09 pm � Nameless Creek
7:17 pm � Big Blue River
7:18 pm � �I appreciate a hearty fry.� �Jessm
7:19 pm � �Spiceland? Is that like Spiceworld?� �KT
7:21 pm � �I�m more helpful than I let on.� �KT
7:23 pm � �I still have post-nasal drip. It�s bothersome.� �Machel
7:40 pm � sign: Welcome! You�ve entered Tom Raper country.
7:48 pm � Ohio welcomes us
There�s a blue arch that says �So much to discover!�
7:51 pm � I think that if she thought you were a dog, she would sniff your butt a whole lot more.� �Machel
8:12 pm � Myla has climbed into the front seat and thoroughly licked Machel�s hands and steering wheel, before falling asleep on her lap.
8:26 pm � Mad River
8:45 pm � �I still have my arms and my feet, which is all that is really important.� �Machel
8:50 pm � Myla is still sleeping on Machel�s lap. She is now snoring.
8:58 pm � �I�ve heard more musical numbers this week than I have in my whole life�they have these boisterous voices.� �Machel (on the phone to Renea)
9:01 pm � �Myla, you are the funniest creature I know.� �Machel
9:07 pm � Bob Evans for dinner, down on the farm.
10:01 pm � �We don�t need to get a Glade Plug-in, we just need to get a car air freshener to tie to your tail.� �KT, to Myla
10:04 pm � Myla is tasting the cool Ohio night.
10:06 pm � KT: Let�s put all of the boys in a cage and�
Machel: Let�s put all of the boys in a kettle and boil them!
KT: With their shoes on!!
10:22 pm � �Do you think I blew my nose in the directions?� �KT
10:43 pm � We are at the intersection of Sedgwick and Sedgwick.
10:44 pm � Arrive at Jenny�s house
11:24 pm � Myla and Wally have left to get �er done.
11:26 pm � �Today is the day when Myla loses her innocence.� �Jenny
11:28 pm � Myla almost kills Wally.
�The reason we know is because Wally sounded like he was being eaten like a wild boar.� �KT

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