Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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oh big bird
2006-12-16 � 3:46 p.m.

ok so here is some great stuff that has happened in the last few weeks:

i made my class make a food chain out of snow. the fungus was hard but we powered through.

i had a lot of snow ball fights

i got to go sledding

i had somebody say to me "we better get the mop because it looks like somebody pooped all over the floor" when i was working in the kitchen and some brownie crumbs were stepped on

the snow melted and it was sad but then i saw the dead and mangled great blue heron everyone had been talking about that i could not see on account of the snow

seventh graders crack me up, i wish i worked with them more often.

at dinner on wednesday, i watched a girl cough up a feather. yes a real feather was coughed up out of her mouth. this is may be the funniest thing i have ever seen in real life.

the other kids started calling her big bird, which i wish i did not think was so funny myself but i laugh every time

also the next day she told me she thinks it came from an owl, to which i responded "you ate an owl?" followed by lots of laughing from big bird and her friends and i never got a clear answer.

i love john denver and the muppets

9 days until Jesus's Birthday celebration day


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