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the snowmen don�t melt
2007-02-17 � 10:22 a.m.


we had a lot of snow, almost 2 ft, i am glad it is finally a real winter

the school was already here, so we had to work anyway

it took us an hour to dig out JT's suv and then 30 minutes to drive to work

other people hiked to work for an hour

yesterday Misa and Jeff helped me to move a 6 ft x 10 ft mountian of snow off of my parents driveway. you can look at the pictures here pictures 8-12, at the end of an album i set up for Misa, my housemate/coworker from Slovakia. what she has written for the comments, i do not know, they are in Slovak.

here are some good quotes:

"there is one good thing about cold weather, the snowmen don�t melt" � mom

(this is how i know my mom is the coolest)

"you should just come to seattle and we can just take a donkey up, wait I meant to say dog sled" - kt

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