Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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peace out mf's
2007-06-02 � 2:29 p.m.


this past week i had this little tiny girl at my table for breakfast one day that ate 8 sausage patties. her favorite food is dill pickles and at dinner she dipped her 10 rolls in the melted butter from the perogies' dish. it was crazy. i told her to be safe.

i have 3 more days of teaching, starting tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, yes on Sunday

then we have to clean on tuesday afternoon, wednesday and thursday.

then if we are done, we get to have friday off and i am done with this non-sense forever

then i have 2 weeks off until i go to work at everyone's favorite coatings and sealants factory, during which i will visit athens, c-bus, NYC, and branchville.

Praise Jesus

oh and Happy Birthday Katie, have fun at your party tonight and i hope you have a great day tomorrow


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