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blue canyon
2007-07-23 � 9:19 p.m.

yesterday was my mom's birthday

we went to this restaurant called Blue Canyon. i had to sit in this gigantic throne like chain which made me look and feel like a 4 year old, which is difficult considering i am not very small in any manner of the word. this, however was the more appealing choice to the leather/wood couch/bench/giant long wide chair (?) that my parents and Dr. C sat on.

we had lobster nachos as an appetizer, which is so pretentious i can not even really handle it.

also cat makes way better green beans.

my parents and Dr and mrs C were joking around with our waitress about relationships to the point of my personal mortification, there was much hands covering face and i believe i made the comment to my dad "you better be leaving her a gigantic tip"

hp year 7 = booyah grandma


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