Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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farewell to the inn
2007-08-07 � 7:19 p.m.

alaska is comming soon, 20 days until seattle vaca, 27 days until i move in to my dorm

it has beeb very rainy here, which is sad in someways but it is a relief to see the grass turning green again. i find burnt brown grass to be unsettling.

this morning from about 7am to 11:30am, there were crazy thunderstorms. it looked pitch black outside, like it was late at night, with the occasional lightning bolt to light things up for .001 seconds.

EL- i am sorry about the bee attack, i hope you are ok

jdo- i know what you mean about the lack of people being able to comment leading to lack of motivation for updating and the seemingly hopeless state of

sweet t - if i had to choose 3 bars to go to in Akron, 2 would be Matinee and Thursdays (the other would be the Northside) so way to be. it was nice to see you in athens, however briefly

crankin - i am honored to be on your blog roll. also i was also pleased with the way Harry Potter ended, and i will agree that there are many more books to explore if those 7 did not meet your needs. it was nice to see you in athens, however briefly as well.

let us take a moment of silence for the Inn at Turner's Mill, which will be closing on August 18th. way to have jazz and fun and really good food and be nice to my parents who will be lost with out you.

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