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drunk patent leather nanook mullet fonts
2007-09-29 � 10:17 p.m.

i hope y'all read those quotes from the last entry. they were keepers, maybe go back and read them again.

things of today:

while waiting for the bus at Fred Meyer West at 11 am this morning, these 4 drunk people kept talking to me, this one lady showed me her whole family with pictures on her cell phone. she kept being like, yeah they were all messed up on weed when i took them.

also while waiting, i saw these 2 high school aged kids dressed up like gangsta rappers except where there should have been the typical color coordinated nike sneakers, there were patent leather dress shoes, like you would wear with a tuxedo or in show choir.

i went to the Nanook Hockey game. very entertaining, very cold. i did not win the car in the car winning contest, which was sad. BUT the bright side is that the Nanook hockey team has a great font for BOTH their names and their numbers on their jersey. so way to be whoever made that call.

i love fonts.

also the hair dresser at the campus barber shop/beauty salon has the biggest mullet and 80s bangs of them all, which might explain why the mullets and 80s bangs are so rampant here, this lady is spreading the poison


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