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LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 4
2007-11-28 � 7:05 p.m.

LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 4

22 November 2007

10:15 AM � �Happy Spanksgiving� says KT as she shakes her fist at Jessm �that�s a preview for later�
10:46 AM � Mom keeps offering us rye bread about every 5 minutes but we only have walnut wheat and potato bread
12:03 PM � KT is massaging the turkey in butter
12:31 PM � �Good buy LOSER! That�s what I would say� � Mom
12:55 PM � KT flails her hand and arm around for a minute �My knuckles are tight� - KT
12:56 PM � Repeat of flailing �it feels good I can feel them get loose� � KT
1:01 PM � there is a giant light up pepsi sign on top of a church. Does that mean that the church is sponsored by pepsi?
1:02 PM � There are people standing by a HUGE sign they hung from a bridge that reads �The holidays are MURDER on turkeys� KT and I wave so they don�t throw rocks at our car
1:38 PM � �Everyone will know I�m a crashy butt� � KT
2:54 PM � Dad � I just don�t get how the Salvation Army can be sponsoring this half time show with all these half naked cowboy cheerleaders
KT � charity can be sexy too
3:02 PM � Mom�s boss�s wife wears toe socks with five finger shoes� yeah these too sick
3:27 PM � Dad has called 40 people in the last five minutes, he does this in the middle of real life conversations and it gets confusing when he and Scott are talking about football or business and then he is all of a sudden like �hey kim happy thanksgiving�
3:30 PM � We are watching a show on CMT called Country Fried Home Videos
3:33 PM � In response to the country fried video about the lady who only uses her toes to do things like eat and smoke despite having 2 perfectly good hands �how do you even become a person like that?� � KT
5:31 PM � Eliza � What was Machel�s bear�s name
KT � Teddy Joe
Eliza and Jessm � yes her teddy bear is named teddy joe
6:26 PM � �It was a pretty good scooter� � Steve
7:06 PM � Steve � I remember I had a serious conversation with Cat about if I was a robot
KT � I had that conversation with her too
7:07 PM � Michael and I discuss the movie Almost Human
7:08 PM � �Oh man, check out the vertebrae!� � Steve as he eats the turkey neck
7:28 PM � Mom � Has anyone ever used floss to cut their cake?
Dad � is their like cake floss?
9:06 PM � Nicknames in Steve�s family � Cwissy, Poofers, Snevelets, and Bugle (pronounced Bug-Lee)
9:44 PM � �Well what if you pick a shark and then it�s just in your house and its dead because there is no water?� � Janel
10:14 PM � Jessm � Looks like somebody stayed up all night reading the trivial pursuit cards
Dad � WHAT?
Mom � Of course he knows all of these, the is like the 2000 year old man
Dad � The 2000 Year Old Man was a character created by Mel Brooks in 1961
10:36 PM � �Because elephants are always marching, yeah they look like they are marching in the front and the back� � KT
10:52 PM � �the plow or the wagon? why couldn�t it be the guy with the belt?� � Janel
11:00 PM � �they can�t eat lava� � Dad
11:02 PM � everyone in the room, regardless of age or occupation, laughs at the name Dick
11:04 PM � Steve � Judy Garland?
Michael � She did have a deep voice towards the end, or was that Lucille Ball?
11:09 PM � �Yeah Staten Island is supposed to be trashy� � KT
11:11 PM � Jessm � is this for REAL?
Mom � don�t be so judgmental
11:34 PM � �Huh?� - Michael
11:46 PM � �Come Cinderslut and hold this skein of wool for me� � trivial pursuit card

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