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LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 7
2007-12-01 � 12:56 a.m.

LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 7

25 November 2007

10:30 AM � KT � she�s a monster
Steve � no she�s a swan
12:53 PM � �Birds fly to the stars I guess� � KT
1:28 PM � �I feel like I keep smelling baby poop but then I think it�s just me� � KT
2:52 PM � �I think I am itchin� for a fight� � KT
3:04 PM � �It�s bad to change things mid-stream, like horses� � Eliza
3:16 PM � Eliza � I can�t promise I haven�t used it on my teeth
Jessm � I can�t promise I haven�t used it on my pants
5:28 PM � �I would be lying if I said I wasn�t planning out GeMagic Designs in my head� � Jessm
6:36 PM � Eliza � well I could just pee at Ballard Market
KT � NO! You have to pee in my house
6:39 PM � �It�s hard to have a hold when somebody keeps grabbing your shoulders and yelling �sweet meats!�� � Jessm
9:06 PM � �what�s the one that is like I love you don�t touch me?� � Steve
9:08 PM � �you know what I wish we had? Peppermint stick ice cream� � Eliza
9:09 PM � Dog pile on KT
9:34 PM � �There should be an air of creepiness, coming from the corner, in the form of a conical shaped plant� � Steve
***Captain�s Note: the next five entries were made during the viewing of the Film Mommy Dearest***
10:13 PM � �No wonder her walls are padded� - Renea
10:27 PM - �If I just felled this orange tree� with this world�s dullest axe� � Eliza
10:37 PM � �She looks like a crazy Matador� � Steve
10:47 PM � �She is an alien� � Renea
11:26 PM � �They�re Christopher�s teeth!� - Steve
11:53 PM � �How can KT be alive if she as been eating poop for so long?� � Renea

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