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i love ny times op-ed bloggers for realz
2008-02-05 � 11:53 p.m.

howdy y'all

i hoped you enjoyed those sparkly giants graphics to celebrate their victory! i want to go to disney world too! (even though i recognize disney is a scary company with poor people and environmental practices, but disney world is still TOTALLY fun and would be a nice change from -40 degrees F here in snowy alaska)

Nicholas Kristof is one of my favorite NY Times op-ed columnists and bloggers. I thought this was a great entry that says a lot about what I think and feel being a liberal Christian.

Paul Krugman , an op-ed columnist and blogger for the NY Times, is a man I trust and respect. In this article he talks about an issue I think is the most important, healthcare, and how Clinton may be the way to go.

so as somebody still undecided this makes me lean more towards Clinton, and makes me excited that Clinton is leading so far (as of midnight Alaska time) after super tuesday as seen below


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