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poor Hilary gets no respect, even the right wingers notice
2008-04-30 � 12:39 a.m.

Well I made it through and finished a few 20 page papers and a presentation on lack of access to clean water in Haiti.

Today I finally got my modern dance class group to make a cool ending to our dance for our final project. Oh college freshman, they still are scared and worried about being cool.

Generally I do not read articles by and agree with �right-wingers�

Today this is not the case. New York Times Op-Ed Columnist William Kristol has apparently been using legilimency to read the thoughts swirling around in my brain and promptly used his status to write an article about what he found.

Go ahead Obama fans, read it. You know deep down in your hearts it is true.

I thought these two quotes were very relevant:

�It�s startling how much of the commentary on the Pennsylvania results has had to do with Obama�s flaws and mistakes � rather than Hillary�s strengths and successes. Maybe in Pennsylvania, they were voting for Clinton, not simply against Obama.�

�[Obama]�s happy to have fantasy debates with unnamed people who are allegedly challenging his patriotism. But he�s not willing to have a real debate with the real person he�s competing against for the nomination.�

Now listen before all y�all get all offended and start spouting off defenses about your beloved hero, the coolest kid in school, voted most likely to succeed, most charming, and best smile in his high school yearbook.

My rose colored glasses were run over by a glacier melting hummer a long time ago. I think as a result I can not see the sunshine or gold or rainbows shining out of Obama�s ass like the rest of you. I just see him as any other candidate. In reality their stances on most issues are almost identical.

In the fall I will vote for the democrat running against John McCain.

Would I be a lot happier if it was Hilary, you bet your tide stick I would. I think she is the best person for the job of getting that Bush tinted ketchup stain off my shirt, I mean country. I think her health care is the bee�s knees. And I think she would do a lot to help the poor and promote equal rights for LGBT persons, both areas of which are personally important to me and that I am passionate about.

I didn�t realize I was whipping out the soap box when I started this entry, sorry, I would have given you a warning otherwise.

Um, also this past weekend during the paper writing marathon and no sleep, I watched the Disney Classic Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) in 9 installments during my short mealtime breaks.

And I never cease to be amazed by Angela Lansbury�s stunning performance as Eglantine Price.

Also the name Eglantine is hilarious; I think this will be the first name I give my cat if I am ever lucky enough to own one myself.


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