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LOG: Chicago: Acapulco Nights #2
2008-05-22 � 5:07 a.m.

16 May 2008

5:57 PM � Big Sista sighted with a silver, carefully sculpted Hi-top fade haircut

6:08 PM � we are trying to deliver pastries to a church but they seem to be all locked up and do not answer the doors. This church does have some sort of poetry event happening soon and the signs all say �why not a goat?�

6:11 PM � �why am I doing this? Oh yeah this is what I want� � Machel

6:16 PM � Deciduous trees are so much friendlier than coniferous evergreens

6:28 PM � I just passed a sign for the National Headquarters of the Polish Catholic Association

6:30 PM � Rock Hard Gym

6:38 PM � Steve called from what he calls � Legacy Village 2� which I later realize is actually Hudson, Ohio�s own First and Main

6:39 PM � passed Lug�s Beauty Salon

6:53 PM � Machel suddenly stands up and lies on the ground, �I just got tired� - Machel

6:59 PM � Machel: I wonder if there will be yammer jammers
jessm: we can only hope
Machel: hope is all we got

7:06 PM � �I�m going to drool on you to help you get up� � Gwen to Machel, and she actually did it!

7:20 PM � cement poodle sighting

7:25 PM � humming bird flag sighting, my mom would love it

7:59 PM � we are at Kuma�s Corner waiting for a table to eat dinner. The hostess is wearing an abominable snow man tee shirt. There are many pictures and carvings of bears and scantily clad women. There is very loud heavy metal playing and apparently all the burgers here are named after metal bands. There is this dude named Aaron at the bar who is very drunk and attempting to flirt with Gwen.

8:01 PM � �you like soft rock, you like Barry Manilow� - Gwen

8:27 PM � Gwen and Aaron are now talking about math rock

8:45 PM � I of course order the burger called the GOBLIN COCK, which in addition to the � lb burger it has Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, a � lb Vienna Hot Dog, Tomatoes, Onion, Neon Green Relish, Sport Peppers, Pickles, Celery Salt Mustard

9:37 PM � �a divel is a garden tool, remember, remember, yonker is an old man, remember, remember, baloo is a bear, remember, remember� � Gwen

*Captain�s Note: I couldn�t find anything about what a divel is and I tried numerous variations of spellings, so if Machel or Gwen can explain this further or correct my spelling so we can find out what it is, that would be swell.

10:00 PM � �That�s bad, that�s like Soylent Green bad � � Gwen in reference to the movie The Warriors that is playing on the flat screen above the bar.

10:37 PM � I lost my pen so here is a brief summary of what happened next:

  • we came to another bar to see Gwen�s violin player�s math rock group, but we just miss their set
  • There are deer lights hanging around the bar. These are similar to chili pepper lights, but with little brown deer instead of peppers.
  • They have some sort of great deal on long island ice teas, there are signs everywhere and the bouncer mentioned it when he was checking our IDs
  • Up on the second floor there are 16 arches framing the rooms and halls in no particular order or purpose.
  • the band that is playing now has a dude playing a baritone violin. it seems that this evening was not really full of math rock but instead full of bluegrass/folk type music.
  • about 7 or 8 burly Latino dudes walk in, this is hysterical because they don�t seem the type that would appreciate this music and the smell of contradicting colognes are so potent that they rise to the second floor where we can smell them too. I jokingly suggest maybe they really like long island ice teas only to find that later when we walked down stairs, they were all drinking long island ice teas.
11:15 PM � �My only friends are my band and my organs� � Gwen

11:32 PM � we stop at Gwen�s apartment to pick some stuff up

17 May 2008

12:27 AM � I wake up realizing I have fallen asleep on Gwen�s kitchen floor and that Machel and Gwen are very much asleep as well.

12:35 AM � I drink some water and go to sleep on a tiny white vinyl couch with an amazing technicolor afghan that was made by Gwen�s grandma.


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