Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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i might want to move to Bangs, OH
2008-08-17 � 11:49 p.m.

dear everyone,

i am having an awesome summer.

i have been so busy having fun that i have not had time to blog.

this past week and a half was super awesome.

i got to spend a few days with my sister which was the BEST.

i got to see Kristin, Oliver, Tim, and many other awesome people from my past of theatre at Oliver's wedding.

i found out the girl i taught how to play the trombone is now head senior squad leader of HHS Swing Marching Band. this is no surprise as she was already awesome when she was in 5th grade. it is all in the breathing. anyway, it is nice to see someone you helped once be super successful.

i am done with all 5 weddings.

i got to spend a few days with Liz. and do 2 puzzles, and go to the Cleveland Museam of Art (which is not really fully open yet)and the Natural History Museam (where we had a sweet behind the scenes tour with Uncle Clyde)

i got to watch a lot of the olympics, which i love. womens. softball. handball. badmitton. everything.

i got to sit on a porch in Bangs, OH on an extremely beautiful day and just hang out with lyndsey and seth for hours just chatting. and go to their church, which was amazing, and have their church pray for me as i go to Macedonia soon and remember what it is like to be a part of the body of Christ and feel God working through other people for a change. it has been too long. Thanks God.

i got to hang out with my Grandma and Aunt Marion for a few days and it is lovely to see them before i leave and they are a great addition to the parents and loretta sqaured team.

i got to watch my dad play a saxaphone solo with the community band that he conducts and he was EXCELLENT and so was the band.

i am very blessed and i can not thank God enough for my amazing life.

what's next?

Aug 19 to Aug 22 New York, NY - Scott, Steve, Mets
Aug 22 to Aug 25 Boston, MA - Katherine, Tim, Amy?, Peter?
Aug 29 to Sept 1 Athens, OH - t-pole, b-rod, amber
Sept 4 to Sept 8 Los Angeles, CA - Elise, Jenny
Sept 26-27 Philadelphia, PA Peace Corps Staging
Sept 29 - Arrive in the FYR of Macedonia

this 40 days is going to be fast.


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