Time in Macedonia

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hugh grant 1990s haircut
2008-09-25 � 2:24 a.m.

so yesterday i got the worst haircut of my life.

i just asked for 2 inches off my usual style so it flips out nicely about a 1/2 inch below my ears.

but instead, this dude i trust, who has been cutting my hair for 12 years, cut off like 4 inches and gave it no style really at all.

though today i decided it is sort of like Hugh Grant via 4 weddings and a funera1.

what's that? you don't believe me?

well lets have a look:

hugh grant haircut

yeah, sickface.

i am sad to make my first impression to the PC and to the FYR of Macedonia looking like this but there is not much i can do.

at least hair grows.

oh to purchase that celebrity wig and more you can visit Columbia Costumes

so i leave for my PC staging in about 27 hrs.

crazy town.

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