Time in Macedonia

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sheep field
2008-10-20 � 12:58 p.m.

Yo dudes,

I miss y�all and the internets. I look forward to being able to read everyone else�s blog again.

This past weekend my small training group, 5 including me, ventured off on our own to go to field day in the capitol to meet the other years of volunteers. We had to go to a remote bus stop in the middle of nowhere called �sheep field.� So remote in fact that our taxi driver drove right past it and we had to yell at him in broken Macedonian �stop stop stop, go behind go behind.� The capitol was neat and it was nice to see the other volunteers. Unfortunately on the way back there was not enough seats on the bust so I had to stand up for 1 hour and 10 minutes until some passengers got off in another city. Then we were dropped off back at sheep field in the pitch black and we made it home by one of our host dad�s cars and a taxi.

If you are the type, please pray that I can get my loans re-deferred from Macedonia, because something bad happened in the last 2 weeks and suddenly they are no longer deferred. I am not sure how this happened.

For those of you with televisions, watch the Rachel Maddow show for me.


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