Time in Macedonia

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lights, sickness, handball, fall
2009-10-11 � 3:07 p.m.

today i have been in Macedonia for 379 days, that is days since we landed at Alexander the Great Airport.

to start off with, i am sorry you ahd to look at the banana onion casserole entry since July.

secondly, let me say that i love and miss the USA.

things are going pretty well here. some projects are starting to produce results.

my thesis is slowly getting researched.

so my living room lightbulb burnt out last night.

the problem: no hardware stores are open on sundays to purchase new bulbs

other problem: tomorrow is some sort of Macedonian holiday in addition to being Columbus day, so the hardware store is unlikely to be open tomorrow either

things i am sad about: this is the SECOND cfl that has burnt out in less than 8 months from this socket

i have never experienced such a thing. cfl's should last for 2-3 years, particularly when i turn on this light minimally due to my many windows.

*are the cfl's sold in Macedonia some how of lesser quality?
*is the old wiring of my apartment building bad and zaps out all the power out of the light?
*is that even possible?

other things i am sad about: i got food poisoning (i do not know from what) on friday night and i have become bff with my toilet ever since. tomorrow marks day 3 and if things are still flowing this direction, i will need to call the medical staff. no worries people, i am keeping hydrated and full of electrolights with my issued rehydration tablets and gatorade(thanks Maggie) and eating very small amounts of starches.

things i am happy about:
*it is women's handball season. my town has a team in what seems to be some sort of minor league handball, with player's ages ranging from 16-30 years old. my town's team is doing very well so far. we have an excellent goalie.
*the leaves are finally starting to change as things cool off and fall us upon us and it is beautiful.
*i have some awesome friends here, some host country nationals, some fellow volunteers. i praise God he has blessed me with so many wonderful people in my life here and back in the USA


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