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LOG: The Vision - Part 1
2010-12-17 � 11:55 p.m.

17 December 2010

Pacific Standard Time

07:48 � KT was so excited about using the carpool lane that we missed our exit and we had to double back.

09:58 �Thorp Antique and Fruit Mall

10:11 � �I don�t care about performing, I just want to sing with people in harmony� - JessM

10:29 � Aplets and Cotlets

10:43 � License Plate: SNOKIST [googling revealed this]

10:49 � Teapot Dome

11:29 � KT and I are singing along to several Christmas carols, right now this one:

Mountain Standard Time

16:00 � Leaving Washington: The Evergreen State

16:02 � Idaho: The Gem State

16:45 � Billboard � Kill Toe Fungus Forever - In a Flash!

23:53 � KT � Did you just fake cough?
JessM � No, I have something caught in my throat
KT- Aren�t we supposed to check on something?
JessM � What?
KT � Your cough made me think we had to check on something?
JessM � Like, what kind of thing are we supposed to check on?
KT � I don�t know, I had a brief vision
JessM � What?
KT � The only part of my vision I can remember is that it opens and closes

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