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LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 1
2011-03-24 � 11:20 p.m.

24 March 2011

Eastern Standard Time

16:48 � Cat: Doggery? What�s that?
JessM: It�s like the kitten corral but for dogs

17:20 � After seeing this advertisement for the BK Stuffed Steakhouse Jalape�o & Cheese Burger smothered in Poblano Sauce �That�s just a diarrhea slider� � Cat

17:58 � Cat: What�s the boat�s name?
JessM: I don�t remember
Cat: Is it like the windsock?

18:08 � Truck says:
Fikes Dairy
I likes Fikes
I likes Fikes
I likes Fikes
I like Fikes

18:33 � JessM: Do it to it Lars!
Cat: What?
JessM: What?
[Captain's Note: To understand this reference go to and watch 4:40-4:44 in the clip below]

18:35 � If you are reading this travel log you should probably come with us and we should all go to Bedford, PA for Living History

18:47 � JessM: I don�t know what just happened to the pen
Cat: Well I thought your eye fell out so I am glad you just dropped the pen

18:51 � Llamas for sale

19:00 � Breezy in Breezewood

19:05 � Two adolescent boys walked out of the Denny�s
Boy 1: There was bacon INSIDE that pancake
Boy 2: Yeah that was crazy
Boy 1: Yeah I bet all those people were first time customers
Boy 2: Yeah!

19:28 � �Rainbow Cummerbund is either the name of my next house or maybe the title of an �I am� poem� � Cat

19:29 � �Come Rainbow Cummerbund, show us the meaning of HASTE!� � JessM

19:32 � Mason-Dixon Line

20:45 � JessM: Clara Barton, was she blind?
Cat: No that was Helen Keller
JessM: So what did Clara Barton do?
Cat: Didn�t she do something with the Red Cross or something? What did Florence Nightingale do?
JessM: Wasn�t she on the Brady Bunch?

21:07 � JessM: What is that?
Cat: Don�t look at it

21:08 - Cat: What is that?
JessM: I don�t know, you told me not to look at it

21:09 � Arrived in Great Falls, VA

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Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27