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LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4
2011-03-27 � 9:21 p.m.

27 March 2011

12:11 � JessM: Dear Everyone, stop wearing salmon chinos
Cat: Dear Everyone, just stop wearing chinos

12:25 � �But I�m going to keep it because it has free samples. LOOK! Magic smooth souffl� make-up!� � KT

13:55 � KT: He zoomed it
Cat: He�s a zumba

14:03 � KT: They do have good breakfast sandwiches
Cat: You�re a breakfast sandwich
KT: Thank you, I love being a delicious combination of eggs, meat, and cheese

14:13 � KT: What should be our team name?
Hollywood: Zombies
JessM: Moths

16:50 � �Great now we�re stuck behind this Buick for a long time. I hope they are going to stop and keep it breezy in Breezewood� � JessM

16:54 � �They are pretty old, he�s picking his nose� � JessM

18:49 � JessM: Fun dip disasters
Cat: That sounds like a show I want to watch on discovery
JessM: I thought it was fun dip but it was bleach�

This is Captain Jessica Signing Off!

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trip - 2014-07-10
Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22