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LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2
2011-07-23 � 11:52 p.m.

23 July 2011

00:18 � �Your mom is the unhappiest hobbit. She never made it back from Mordor� � Steve

00:33 � �Well you haven�t come up on MY news feed!� � KT

10:33 � �Is that like called a switch blade?� � KT

13:49 � �Look! There are the baseball courts!� � KT

16:59 � �I want one in taupe-oatmeal� � Kristin

17:25 � Kristin: The worst way to wake up is someone farting in your face
Hollywood: Sharting would be worse

18:17 � �I think if the first thing you think of is a Tennessee Williams play, it�s time for counseling� � Cat

18:19 � Cat: We�re all going to go around and say a fact, KT?
KT: Wait� I can only think of opinions� What�s a fact

18:29 � Steve wins the fact game

20:58 � �So how do I do this addition bullshit?� � JessM

21:13 � Steve and Kristin Dance Party/Show

21:55 � Hero Sing-A-Long

21:57 � �I ALWAYS have green onions!� � KT

23:04 � �Why didn�t you vote for me? You LOVE my handwriting!� � KT

23:12 � �Maybe it was our genitals� � Kristin

23:43 � �So basically Steve needs to open a School of Pop and Cat needs to go � � JessM

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trip - 2014-07-10
Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22