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chemistry music
2004-09-11 � 4:45 p.m.

there is a strange boy in my chemistry 151 class. he arrives in class and sits in the front row of the large lecture hall. he gets out his notebook and pen and waits. as soon as the professor enters the room, he gets out his mp3 player and starts listening to some Maynard Ferguson (a loud and high jazz trumpet player) at a very high volume. so loud in fact, that despite his "inside the ear" head phones everyone in the first three rows and the professor can hear the music.

NOTE: page 4 of the chem 151 syllabus states: Do not use electronic entertainment devices such as a walkman or cell phone.

despite the loud music he is listening to, he takes detailed notes of not only what the professor writes on the board or overhead, but also what she is saying and not writing down.

how does he do it?

then at the end of class when she dismisses us, he removes his head phones and walks out of the room.


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